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A little dog came into my life...

Hello, Beautiful!

Now that summer is winding down, and I have no big plans for at least a month, I figured life is going to calm down. I had time to go on a real grocery trip yesterday, something I hadn't done all summer. Don't get me wrong, I've gone grocery shopping, but quick trips just to get us by. I've been gone nearly all summer or had guests here, so we've been eating out a lot.

But what happens as I exit Wal-Mart (which is where I grocery shop for most of my food).... I see a little dog, no collar no leash, run in front of me and into Wal-Mart for a second, then runs out. I come out and look around, thinking someone else is chasing their dog or someone else has at least seen this dog - but no, nobody is around!

I had a cart full of groceries, and it was just me and my son, but I knew I had to rescue that little dog. It ran under a van, to which I went over and without thought dropped to the ground and began to crawl under the van. This is about the time I realize I look slightly crazy, especially because two older people had just parked close by and asked me if I had a snake under my car.... why the hell would I be on the ground if it was a snake? haha! Anyhow...

The thought crossed my mind that this dog could easily attack my face under the van if it wanted, but it didn't. It let me pull her right out.

So here I am, cart full of groceries --- and a cart that just happens to go to the right so it's hard to push with two hands --- and I'm holding this dog, pushing the cart with one hand and trying to make sure my son stays close by (although he wants to be glued to the dog anyway). I'm throwing groceries into my trunk like a mad woman because I don't want this dog to jump away, although it never tried. I get in my car, put it on a blanket on the passenger seat and it stays there for a second, then crawls onto my lap - which is where she stayed until we got home. It wasn't easy driving that way, because I drive a stick shift, but I couldn't help but fall in love with her on my lap!

As soon as I got home I had to figure out how to unload the groceries without having this dog get away or interact with my other dogs. I put her in the bathroom and my son stayed in there with her. Then I started to make phone calls.

First I called the local humane society and reported I found a lost dog, gave all the details and let them know I'd keep her or find her a home if the real owner never showed. Then I called Wal-Mart, thinking if this dog jumped out of a car or something the owner would at least let Wal-Mart know. As soon as I started to say "I found a dog in your parking lot..." the lady sounded so exhausted and rude, saying "this is the SAME dog that KEEPS coming by; nobody can catch it, not even animal control". I'm thinking... okay... so I ask if it's a stray or if someone had lost their dog, she said it had no owner. Meanwhile, my husband is looking online at our local papers, looking at lost dog ads. Can't find anything on this poor little dog.

But just in case I call my vet (and I was just there earlier for my other dog), and ask if I can bring the dog in to see if there is a microchip. I take her into the vet and no microchip, but they do take down all the info.

Here are two pics of the dog, but the quality of pics is bad (taken with my phone):

So here I am, with an extra dog for now. I really would love to keep her --- she's perfect in every way (smart, cuddly, quiet, house trained, clean, soft, playful) --- but my big dogs would run over her. This just isn't the best house for her and I want her to be with the best home possible. Hopefully her real owner will come forward and she can be back at her real home. I know I would be a mess if I lost my dog!

UPDATE: The owner claimed the dog! YAY!!!! The dog's name is Cinnamon and everyone was so very happy to be reunited.

At the same time my oldest dog (he's my baby.... I swear, I am more attached to him than any other dog ever), he's having some trouble right now. I'm really worried about it.

So yeah, right now I just need to take a little break. I need to figure out this dog situation. Plus my son starts school on Monday and I still need to go buy him school supplies.

I will be back very soon!

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