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The Solution To Saving Money With Your Friends-- Qapital App!

If you haven't heard about the Qapital App yet, here ya go!  The Qapital App is the best solution to save money with your friends or partner without having to have a joint bank account! If there's a trip multiple people are wanting to go to and want to start saving for, just decide what your "goal" is and set how much you want it to automatically pull from your personal account and that's it.  Once you've hit your goal, all you have to do is transfer that money into your bank and you're ready to book your flight or whatever it is that you've been saving up for!  Pretty genius, right?

You all are probably thinking this is a paid sponsored post, but we promise it isn't!  We truly love it and have been using it and thought it would be a perfect Sorority Secret ;)

You can read more about the app or download it here!

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