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The great justice system divide

Troy York
   Americas justice system is way out of whack as the people able to commit common fraud and theft on a large scale are able to skirt prosecution and use their tremendous financial advantages to hire cut throat lawyers that plea bargain their crimes. Matt Taibbi illustrates this is his latest book that reads like a collection of his writings that fans of Rolling Stone magazine wold remember. Matt has made many television and audio appearances about his book "Divide" and the inequality of the justice system is the basis of this collection.
He writes about a guy in New York that quite literally could not standup and walk around in New York without being stopped,frisked, and tackled by NYPD on a daily basis. Taibbi recalls the massive number of times that Andrew Brown is stopped and thrown around and arrested by the police in New York City. Matt then talks about the Lehman brothers buyout by Barclays Bank and how this is the biggest bank robbery in the history of man and that fraud is common in the world of high finance. If your poor the entire world becomes a legal minefield if you are entered into the system for one crime yet more is stolen on Wall Street and prosecutions rarer than a guy in a Bermuda shirt and flip flops in these Wall Street offices. When you have access to government officials and courts you are not held accountable for the crimes no matter high high the theft totals become.
  Taibbi is amazed that the rich can steal forty percent of the wealth in the world and just get richer stealing from everyone else he can't fathom why no one gets sent to jail. The divide is thehoerwealthy going off Scott free and unpunished while the poor are sent more and more into the prison system for non violent drug crimes. Poverty has become a crime in these elite cities with police states like New York,Chicago,San Francisco and it is not surprising to SE police go after more the homeless on the streets than the guys that raid their own pension plans. The actions of many hedge fund managers and their dirty tricks is highlighted in this book about the unequal treatment people and their status e wives in the modern day justice system in urban centers. Taibbi also covers the illegal alien picture and how immigrants are preyed on by a profit seeking justice system adding more criminals into the system to financially exploit. Fans of Matt and his writings exposing the financial crimes over the years will enjoy this book as well although some chapters can be a bit long winded. 

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